Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Forschungsschwerpunkte 2012 aktuell

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Computer Science and The Philologies

Heads: Prof. Dr. Paul Molitor and Dr. Jörg Ritter

Publications & Talks

[70] M. Pöckelmann. Extensions of the Digital Collation Tool LERA for the Scholarly Edition of Keter Shem Tov. In: B. Rebiger and G. Necker (eds). Editing Kabbalistic Texts. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2024. DOI: 10.13173/9783447122412.095   

[69] J. Dähne and J. Ritter. Many-to_amny Sentence Alignments. Long Paper at the Digital Humanities 2024 (DH2024), August 6-9 2024, Washington D.C., USA.

[68] M. Pöckelmann, A. Damm, and B. Rebiger. An Interactive Visualization of Recurring Microforms Across Various Hebrew Works and their Witnesses. Long Paper at the Digital Humanities 2024 (DH2024), August 6-9 2024, Washington D.C., USA.

[67] F. Etling, M. Pöckelmann, and B. Grote. Auffinden und Analysieren komplexer Textvarianten in Hannah Arendts Denk- und Schreibwerkstatt mit LERA. Poster auf der 11. Jahrestagung des Verbandes Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2024), Passau, February 26 - March 1, 2024.

[66] E. Wöckener-Gade and M. Pöckelmann. Innovation in Loops: Developing Tools and Redefining Theories within the Project ‘Digital Plato’ (Digital Plato). In: B. Schneider, B. Löffler, T. Mager & C. Hein (eds.) Mixing Methods: Practical Insights from the Humanities in the Digital Age. Bielefeld University Press, Digital Humanities Research, Vol. 7:47-60, 2023.   

[65] J. Dähne, M. Pöckelmann, and J. Ritter. Word Clouds with Spatial Stable Word Positions across Multiple Text Witnesses. Long Paper at the Digital Humanities 2023 (DH2023), July 10-14 2023, Graz, Austria.

[64] M. Pöckelmann. Showcasing the Features of the Collation Tool LERA for Scholarly Editing Hebrew Texts. Case Study: Keter Shem Ṭov. Editions of Classical Jewish Literature in the Digital Era, Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, 18-20 June 2023

[63] M. Pöckelmann, A. Medek, J. Ritter, and P. Molitor. LERA - An interactive platform for synoptical representations of multiple text witnesses. In: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Volume 38, Issue 1, pp. 330-346. Oxford University Press 2023. Published online June 30, 2022. DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqac021   

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Current projects

Semi-automatic collation of versions of a text written in different languages

DFG-funded collaborative project 2023-2026. Together with Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer, Institute for Greek and Latin Philology at the FU Berlin, Dr. Brigitte Grote, Center for Digital Systems at the FU Berlin, and Prof. Dr. Manfred Stede, Department of Linguistics at the University of Potsdam.

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Synoptische Edition des kabbalistischen Traktats Keter Shem Tov mit
englischer Übersetzung, Stellenkommentar und
rezeptionsgeschichtlichen Studien

DFG finanziertes Kooperationsprojekt, Laufzeit 2019-2025. Zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Gerold Necker, Seminar für Judaistik/Jüdische Studien, Orientalistisches Institut, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

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Completed projects

Exzerpte. Zur digitalen Erschließung und Edition einer besonderen
Text-Bild-Konstellation – am Beispiel Johann Joachim Winckelmanns

BMBF gefördertes Kooperationsprojekt, Laufzeit 2021-2024. Zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Décultot, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für die Erforschung der Europäischen Aufklärung and der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, und Prof. Dr. Andreas Rapp, Institut für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft der TU Darmstadt.

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Digital Plato: Tradition and Reception

Verbundprojekt der VolkswagenStiftung, Laufzeit: 01.04.2016-30.09.2019. Zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Ch. Schubert, Historisches Seminar, und Prof. Dr. K. Sier, Institut für Klassische Philologie und Komparatistik, beide Universität Leipzig, sowie Prof. Dr. J. Scharloth, Institut für Germanistik der TU Dresden.

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A New Supplement Dictionary of Sanskrit

A New Supplement Dictionary of Sanskrit (funded by DFG, funding period from December 2013 till November 2016) In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Slaje, Institute for Indology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, and Prof. Dr. Hanneder, Institute for Indology and Tibetology, University Marburg.

Interactive portal for visualizing epistolary networks

Sub-project of the BMBF-funded joint project Vernetzte Korrespondenzen - Erforschung und Visualisierung sozialer, räumlicher, zeitlicher und thematischer Netze in Briefkorpora. Funding period: 01.02.2013-31.01.2016. In cooperation with Dr. Burch, Dr. Hildenbrandt, Prof. Dr. C. Moulin, all with the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, and Dr. R.S. Kamzelak, German Literature Archive Marbach.

Interactive portal "Epistolary Networks"

Interactive portal "Epistolary Networks"

Interactive portal "Epistolary Networks"

Semiautomatic difference analysis of complex text variants

SaDA - Semiautomatic difference analysis of complex text variants. BMBF funded joint project, funding period: 01.09.2012-31.08.2015. In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Bremer, Institute for Romance Languages, and Prof. Dr. H.-J. Solms, Institute for German Studies, both from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

Digital parametrized synoptical representation of several text variants

Digital parametrized synoptical representation of several text variants

Digital parametrized synoptical representation of several text variants

Digital Middle Elbe Dictionary

Online publication of the Middle Elbe Dictionary with adapted search functionalities and further user-friendly add-ons

Digital Middle Elbe Dictionary

Digital Middle Elbe Dictionary

Digital Middle Elbe Dictionary

Smaller-scale projects

A TEI-conform digital working environment for editing the dramas authored by Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow

XML-Edition of Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow's "Briefe aus Paris"

Projektpraktikum "Hammer und Harfe"

Demonstrator Programs

LERA - Locate, Explore, Retrace and Apprehend complex text variants

LERA is an interactive web-based working environment for analyzing similarities and differences between several text variants. After partitioning the text variants into passages they are aligned and synoptically visualized. Differences are emphasized in color and listed in a critical apparatus. Together with CATview and adapted search functionalities the working environment offers an efficient approach for exploratory analysis of text differences.

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CATview - the Colored & Aligned Texts view

CATview is an interactive visualization tool offering effective functionalities for navigating and exploring the textual differences of the variants of a manuscript. It processes data generated by comparison tools developed by our own. It can be adapted to standard tools as Juxta. CATview can be easily embedded in websites. It is a powerful add-on for digital editions and web-based frameworks for the editing process.

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Letter Metadata Prototype

Letter Metadata Prototype is a web-based proof-of-concept tool for capturing correspondence metadata, keeping its focus on usability and efficiency. It is part of an on-going research project and is a work in progress. More information of the approach are described in Andert/Ritter/Molitor. Optimized Platform for Capturing Metadata of Historical Correspondences which has been presented at DH2013.

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News archive
