Prof. Dr. Paul Molitor

Prof. Dr. Paul Molitor
room 217
Institut für Informatik
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1
06120 Halle (Saale)
phone: +49 (345) 5524710
fax: +49 (345) 5527009
postal address:
Prof. Dr. Paul Molitor
Institut für Informatik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
06099 Halle (Saale)
Peer-reviewed Publications
[78] M. Pöckelmann, A. Medek, J. Ritter, and P. Molitor. LERA - An interactive platform for synoptical representations of multiple text witnesses. in: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Volume 38, Issue 1, pp.330-346. Oxford University Press 2023. Published online June 30, 2022:
[77] T. K. H. Luu, M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter, and P. Molitor. Applying LERA for collating witnesses of The Tale of Kiêu, a Vietnamese poem written in Nôm script. Digital Humanities 2022 (DH2022), 25-29 July 2022, Tokyo, Japan.
[076] J. Dähne, M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter, and P. Molitor. Putting collation of text witnesses on a formal basis. In: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 37(2):375-390. Oxford University Press 2022. Published online October 14 2021:
[075] M. Pöckelmann, J. Dähne, J. Ritter, and P. Molitor. Fast paraphrase extraction in Ancient Greek literature. In: Special Issue "Digital Tools form Intertexuality Studies", it - Information Technology, 62(2):75-89, de Gruyter 2020.
[074] P. Molitor, G. Necker, M. Pöckelmann, B. Rebiger und J. Ritter. Keter Shem Ṭov ‒ Prozessualisierung eines Editionsprojekts mit 100 Textzeugen. Poster auf der 7. Jahrestagung des Verbandes Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2020), Paderborn, March 2-6, 2020.
[073] M. Pfuhl, J. Ritter, and P. Molitor. Finding the redundant gates in reversible circuits. In: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Reversible Computation (RC 2018), LNCS 11106, pp. 205-219, Leicester, UK, September 13-14, 2018.
Third-party funded projects
Semi-automatic collation of versions of a text written in different languages (DFG, 2024-2026) ♦ Excerpts. On the Digital Study and Edition of a Unique Text-Image Constellation – Based on the example of Johann Joachim Winckelmann (BMBF, 2021-2024) ♦ Synoptic edition of the Kabbalistic tractate Keter Shem Tov (DFG, 2019-2025) ♦ Digital Plato: Tradition and Reception (VolkswagenStiftung, 2016-2019) ♦ A New Supplement Dictionary of Sanskrit (DFG, 2013-2016) ♦ Vernetzte Korrespondenzen | Exilnetz33 (BMBF, 2013-2016) ♦ Semi-automatische Differenzanalyse von komplexen Textvarianten (BMBF, 2012-2015) ♦ Tolerance-based methods for solving the traveling salesman problem (DFG, 2005-2009) ♦ Universitärer Lehrverbund Informatik (BMBF, 2001-2003) ♦ Formal verification of hierarchically specified circuits (DFG, 1997-2002) ♦ Solving routing problems in VLSI systems by genetic algorithms (DFG, 1998-2001) ♦ Logic synthesis of random logic circuits (DFG, 1995-1997) ♦ Automatische Synthese und Optimierung kleiner Schaltungen (DFG, 1990-1994)
Professional career
1978: High school diploma at Lycée de Garçons de Luxembourg ♦ 1978-1982: Study in Computer Science and Mathematics at University of Saarbrücken ♦ 1986: Doctoral Degree under Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Günter Hotz ♦ 1992: Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Computer Science ♦ 1982-1994: Research assistant (1982-1991) and project leader (1991-1994) in the National Research Center 124 "VLSI and Parallelism" ♦ 1993 Associate Professor for Circuit Technology at Humboldt-University of Berlin ♦ 1994: Full Professor for Computer Engineering at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.
Computer Science lectures held so far
Automata and Computability ♦ Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms ♦ Informatics and Society ♦ Introduction to Computer Science for students of all faculties ♦ Introduction to Computer Architecture ♦ Introduction to Computer Engineering ♦ Introduction the Operations Systems ♦ Synthesis of Combinational Circuits ♦ Test and Formal Verification of Integrated Circuits ♦ The Hardware Description Language VHDL
Other professional activities
Within Martin Luther University: 1994-1998, 2000-2003, and 2010-2025: Managing Director of the Institute of Computer Science ♦ 2000-2006: Founding Director of the University Center for Computer Science ♦ 2003-2010: Elected member of the Academic Senate ♦ 2003-2014: Chairman of the Rectorate Commission "Computer Technology Investments" ♦ 2016-2022: Chairman of the IT Steering Committee and Member of the Senate Commission Structure and Budget ♦ 2022-2026: Member of the Senate Commission on Budget and the Rectorate Commission on IT and Digital Transformation
Commissions of the state of Saxony-Anhalt: 1995-2014: Chairman of the State University IT Commission ♦ 2015-2023: Member of the newly founded IT Commission of the universities, Chairman from 2015-2016
National activities: 2005-2019: Member of the selection committee of the dissertation prize of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. ♦ 2009-2017: Member of the selection committee of the FIT program "Research at International Science and Technology Centers" (until 2012) and (from 2013) of the successor program "International Research Stays in Information Technology" of the DAAD ♦ 2009-2017: Member of the Academic Commission of the Fakultätentag Informatik ♦ 2003-2017, 2021-2023 Editor-in-Chief of it - Information Technology , de Gruyter/Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, the oldest German scientific journal on information technology
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