Marcus Pöckelmann
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III
Institut für Informatik
phone: ++49 345 55-24736
fax: ++49 345 55-27009
room 2.28
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1
06120 Halle (Saale)
postal address:
Institut für Informatik
06099 Halle (Saale)
Dr. Marcus Pöckelmann
I was born in Halle. Beside my scientific work, I am close to nature, like to travel and get involved with politics. I completed my academic studies in Computer Science in my hometown at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. Thereby efficient algorithms, in particular graph theory, was one key aspect which can be seen in my bachelor thesis (2010) as well as my master thesis (2013):
- Ist die Welt kleiner geworden? Experimentelle Analyse des tageszeitabhängigen Durchmessers im Flugverkehr (Did the world get smaller? Experimental analysis of a time of day depending diameter in air traffic)
- Zyklizität in empirischen und künstlichen Nahrungsnetzen (Cyclicity in empirical and artificial food webs)
An abstract of my master thesis got published under the same name in the proceeding of Informatiktage 2013, Pages 27-30 .
Multidisciplinary and application orientation are as well essential cornerstones of the Digital Humanities, the field I work on as scientific associate and Ph.D. student since 2013.
Digital Multi-layer Synopsis and Mystical Traditions of the Hebrew Alphabet according to the Kabbalistic Treatise Keter Shem Ṭov
Homepage: https://kabbalaheditions.org
Project term: 2022 till 2025
The follow-up project to the scholarly edition of Keter Shem Ṭov is working on a novel multi-layered synopsis that includes other treatises related to it. In addition, we develop a digital tool for the detection of alphabet-mystical motifs in kabbalistic texts parallel to Keter Shem Ṭov.
The Kabbalistic Treatise Keter Shem Ṭov: Synoptic Edition, Commentary, Translation and the History of its Reception
Homepage: https://kabbalaheditions.org
Project term: April 2019 till March 2022
The research project is dedicated to the edition of a Hebrew manuscript with about 100 text witnesses and further develops the working environment LERA.
Digital Plato
Homepage: https://digital-plato.org
Project term: April 2016 till March 2019
The Project Digital Plato investigates the reception of Platos work within the ancient Greek literature. The key for this interdisciplinary project are computer-aided methods for recognizing paraphrases within the texts, embedded in the interactive working environment Paraphrasis .
SaDA - Semi-automatic Difference Analysis of complex text variants
Homepage: https://sada.uzi.uni-halle.de
Project term: September 2012 till August 2015
The interdisciplinary research project SaDA was a collaboration of scholars in Computer Science as well as German and Roman Studies. The focus was on the development of interactive tools for comparing multiple complex variants of a text. LERA and CATview are a result of this.
- E. Wöckener-Gade & M. Pöckelmann (2023): "Innovation in Loops: Developing Tools and Redefining Theories within the Project ‘Digital Plato’". In: B. Schneider, B. Löffler, T. Mager & C. Hein (eds.) Mixing Methods: Practical Insights from the Humanities in the Digital Age. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, Digital Humanities Research, Vol. 7:47-60. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839469132-006
- M. Pöckelmann, A. Medek, J. Ritter & P. Molitor (2022): "LERA - An interactive platform for synoptical representations of multiple text witnesses". In: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2023;38(1):330–346. https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqac021
- J. Dähne, M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter & P. Molitor (2021): "Putting collation of text witnesses on a formal basis". In: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2022;37(2):375–390. https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqab058
- M. Pöckelmann, J. Dähne, J. Ritter & P. Molitor (2020): "Fast paraphrase extraction in Ancient Greek literature". In: it - Information Technology, 2020;62(2):75–89. https://doi.org/10.1515/itit-2019-0042
- M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter & P. Molitor (2019): "Word Mover’s Distance angewendet auf die Paraphrasenextraktion im Altgriechischen". In: C. Schubert, P. Molitor, J. Ritter, J. Scharloth & K. Sier (eds.) Platon Digital: Tradition und Rezeption. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, (Digital Classics Books, 2019:3). https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.451
- M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter, E. Wöckener-Gade & Ch. Schubert (2017): "Paraphrasensuche mittels word2vec und der Word Mover’s Distance im Altgriechischen". In: Digital Classics Online, 2017;3(3):24-36. https://doi.org/10.11588/dco.2017.0.40185
- T. Bremer, P. Molitor, M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter & S. Schütz (2015): "Zum Einsatz digitaler Methoden bei der Erstellung und Nutzung genetischer Editionen gedruckter Texte mit verschiedenen Fassungen - Das Fallbeispiel der Histoire philosphique des deux Indes von Guillaume Thomas Raynal". In: R. v. Nutt-Kofoth, B. Plachta & W. Woesler (eds.) Editio, 2015;29(1):29-51. https://doi.org/10.1515/editio-2015-004
- A. Medek, M. Pöckelmann, T. Bremer, H.-J. Solms, P. Molitor & J. Ritter (2015): "Differenzanalyse komplexer Textvarianten - Diskussion und Werkzeuge". In: G. Heyer & A. Henrich (eds.) Datenbank-Spektrum - Informationsmanagement für Digital Humanities, 2015;15(1):25-31. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13222-014-0173-y
Contributions to conferences
- M. Pöckelmann, A. Damm & B. Rebiger (2024): "An Interactive Visualization of Recurring Microforms Across Various Hebrew Works and their Witnesses". DH2024, 34. international annual conference of Digital Humanities, Washington D.C., 06-09.08.2024.
- M. Pöckelmann (2024): "Extensions of the Digital Collation Tool LERA for the Scholarly Edition of Keter Shem Ṭov". In: G. Necker & B. Rebiger (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop Editing Kabbalistic Texts. Harrassowitz, erscheint 2024.
- F. Etling, M. Pöckelmann & B. Grote (2024): "Auffinden und Analysieren komplexer Textvarianten in Hannah Arendts Denk- und Schreibwerkstatt mit LERA". DHd2024, 10. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum‚ Passau, 26.02.-01.03.2024. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10698468
- J. Dähne, M. Pöckelmann & J. Ritter (2023): "Word Clouds with Spatial Stable Word Positions across Multiple Text Witnesses". DH2023, 33. international annual conference of Digital Humanities, Graz, 10-14.07.2023. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8107985
- B. Rebiger & M. Pöckelmann (2022): "The Edition of Keter Shem Ṭov by means of the tool LERA (Locate, Explore, Retrace and Apprehend complex text variants)". The 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 08.-12.08.2022. https://program.eventact.com/Lecture/243250/5487004
- T. K. H. Luu, M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter & P. Molitor (2022): "Applying LERA for collating witnesses of The Tale of Kiều, a Vietnamese poem written in Nôm script". DH2022, 32. international annual conference of Digital Humanities, Tokyo, 25-29.07.2022. ⭳ pdf
- M. Pöckelmann & B. Rebiger (2022): "Anpassungen von LERA zum Vergleich hebräischer Textzeugen des kabbalistischen Traktats Keter Shem Ṭov". DHd2022, 8. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum‚ Potsdam, 07.-11.03.2022. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6328132
- P. Molitor, G. Necker, M. Pöckelmann, B. Rebiger & J. Ritter (2020): "Keter Shem Ṭov ‒ Prozessualisierung eines Editionsprojekts mit 100 Textzeugen". DHd2020, 7. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum‚ Paderborn, 02.-06.03.2020. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4621883
- E. Herold, M. Pöckelmann, C. Berg, R. Ritter & M. M. Hall (2019): "Stable Word-Clouds for Visualising Text-Changes Over Time". In: A. Doucet, A. Isaac, K. Golub, T. Aalberg & A. Jatowt (eds.) Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge - Proceedings of the 23. International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL2019, Oslo, 09.-12.09.2019. pp. 224-237. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30760-8_20
- E. Wöckener-Gade & M. Pöckelmann (2018): "Bridging the Gap between Plato and His Successors: Towards an Annotated Gold Standard of Intertextual References to Plato in Ancient Greek Literature". EADH 2018, Data in Digital Humanities, Galway, 07.-09.12.2018. ⭳ pdf
- B. Gründler & M. Pöckelmann (2018): "Adjusting LERA For The Comparison Of Arabic Manuscripts Of Kalīla wa-Dimna". DH2018, 29. international annual conference of Digital Humanities, Mexico City, 26.-29.06.2018. ⭳ pdf
- R. Kath, F. Keilholz, M. Pöckelmann, M. Rücker, E. Wöckener-Gade & X. Yu (2018): "Entwicklungsstand im Projekt Digital Plato". DHd2018, 5. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Köln, 26.02-02.03.2018. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4622522
- R. Kath, F. Keilholz, F. Klinker, M. Pöckelmann, M. Rücker, M. Švitek, E. Wöckener-Gade & X. Yu (2017): "Paraphrasenerkennung im Projekt Digital Plato". DHd2017, 4. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum‚ Bern, 13.-18.02.2017. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4622702
- S. Schütz & M. Pöckelmann (2016): "LERA - Explorative Analyse komplexer Textvarianten in Editionsphilologie und Diskursanalyse". DHd2016, 3. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Leipzig, 07.-12.03.2016. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4645364
- M. Pöckelmann, A. Medek, P. Molitor & J. Ritter (2015): "CATview - Supporting The Investigation Of Text Genesis Of Large Manuscripts By An Overall Interactive Visualization Tool". DH2015, 26. international annual conference of Digital Humanities, Sydney, 29.06.-03.07.2015. ⭳ pdf
- A. Medek, M. Pöckelmann et al. (2015): "SaDA – Werkzeuge für die semi-automatische Differenzanalyse komplexer Textvarianten". DH Summit 2015, Berlin, 03.-04.03.2015.
- S. Schütz & M. Pöckelmann (2014): "IT-Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung elektronischer Edition am Beispiel eines französischen Textes aus dem 18. Jahrhundert". 9. Kongress des Frankoromanistenverbands, Münster, 24.-27.09.2014.
- M. Pöckelmann, J. Ritter & A. Medek (2014): "On automatically disambiguating end-of-line hyphenated words in French texts". DH2014, 25. international annual conference of Digital Humanities, Lausanne, 07.-12.07.2014. ⭳ pdf
- A. Gießler, M. Pöckelmann & J. Ritter (2014): "Semi-automatische Differenzanalyse von komplexen Textvarianten". DHd2014, 1. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum‚ Passau, 25.-28.03.2014. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4623507