Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Forschungsschwerpunkte 2012 aktuell

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  • Dr. Thomas Burch    graduated in Saarbrücken under supervision of Günter Hotz and Paul Molitor und got his PhD from Saarland University under supervision of Günter Hotz. Currently, he is chairman of the Trier Center of Digital Humanities.    
  • Prof Dr. Görschwin Fey    graduated in Halle and got his PhD from University Bremen under supervision of Rolf Drechsler. Currently he is professor for embedded systems at the TU Hamburg.
  • PD Dr. Gerold Jäger was reasearcher within the DFG-project "Tolerance based methods for TSP". Currently he is Senior Lecturer at Umea University, Schweden.
  • Dr. Laura Heinrich-Litan    graduated in Halle and got her PhD from FU Berlin unbder supervision of Helmut Alt. Currentlich she is Project Director at Bosch GmbH Stuttgart.
  • Dipl.-Inform. Frank Mistol    is chief manager of HMS GbR Center for Hard- Multimedia and Software Developments Halle.
  • Dirk Möller is with NXP Semiconductors, Zorneding, Munic.
  • Prof. Dr. Janett Mohnke    graduated at HU Berlin and got her PhD at Matin Luther University under supervision of Paul Molitor. Currently, she is Professor for Computer Engineering at the TFH Wildau, near Berlin.
  • Matthias Pfuhl is with Infineon Munich where he works in the field of physical design of integrated circuits.
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Scholl    graduated and got his PhD at Saarland University under supervision of Günter Hotz and Paul Molitor. Currently, he is Professor for Computer Engineering at the University of Freiburg i.Br.
  • Dr. Robby Schönfeld is postdoc at the Institute for Psychology of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
  • Dr. Daniel Tille    graduated in Halle and got his PhD from University Bremen under supervision of Rolf Drechsler. Currently, he is with Infineon Munich.
