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[93] A. Fischer, F. Fischer, G. Jäger, J. Keilwagen, P. Molitor and I. Grosse,
"Exact algorithms and heuristics for the Quadratic Traveling Salesman Problem with an application in bioinformatics", Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2014 March.


[92] Y. Pöschl, C. Delker, J. Trenner, K. K. Ullrich, M. Quint and I. Grosse, “Optimized Probe Masking for Comparative Transcriptomics of Closely Related Species”, PLOS ONE 8 (11), e78497, 2013.

[91] J. Grau, S. Posch, I. Grosse and J. Keilwagen, “A general approach for discriminative de novo motif discovery from high-throughput data“, Nucleic acids research, gkt831, 2013.

[90] B. J.W. Dekkers, S. Pearce, R.P. van Bolderen-Veldkamp, A. Marshall, P. Widera, J. Gilbert, H.-G. Drost, G. W. Bassel, K. Müller, J. R. King, A. T.A. Wood, I. Grosse, M. Quint, N. Krasnogor, G. Leubner-Metzger, M. J. Holdsworth and L. Bentsink, “Transcriptional dynamics of two seed compartments with opposing roles in Arabidopsis seed germination”, Plant physiology 163 (1), 205-215, 2013.

[89] S. Meinel, S. Ruhs, K. Schumann, N. Strätz, K. Trenkmann, B. Schreier, I. Grosse, J. Keilwagen, M. Gekle and C. Grossmann, Mineralcorticoid receptor interaction with SP1 generates a new response element for pathophysiologically relevant gene expression”, Nucleic acids research 41 (17), 8045-8060, 2013

[88] M. T. Tarkka, S. Herrmann, T. Wubet, L. Feldhahn, S. Recht, F. Kurth, S. Mailänder, M. Bönn, M. Neef, O. Angay, M. Bacht, M. Graf, H. Maboreke, F. Fleischmann, T. E. Grams, L. Ruess, M. Schädler, R. Brandl, S. Scheu, S. D. Schrey, I. Grosse and F. Buscot, “OakContigDF159. 1, a reference library for studying differential gene expression in Quercus robur during controlled biotic interactions: use for quantitative transcriptomic profiling of oak roots in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis”, New Phytologist, 2013.

[87] J. Grau, J. Keilwagen, A. Gohr, I. A. Paponov, S. Posch, M. Seifert, M. Strickert and I. Grosse, “Dispom: A discriminative de-novo motif discovery tool based on the Jstacs library”, Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 11 (01), 2013.

[86] I. M. Lemnian, R. Eggeling and I. Grosse, “Extended Sunflower Hidden Markov Models for the recognition of homotypic cis-regulatory modules”, German Conference on Bioinformatics 2013, 34, 101-109,2013.

[85] R. Eggeling, A. Gohr, P. Y. Bourguignon, E. Wingender and I. Grosse, “Inhomogeneous Parsimonious Markov Models”, Machine Learning ang Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 321-336, 2013.


[84] J. Grau, J. Keilwagen, A. Gohr, B. Haldemann, S. Posch and I. Grosse, "A Java Framework for Statistical Analysis and Classification of Biological Sequences", The Journal of Machine Learning Research 98888, 1967-1971, 2013.

[83] Ranf S, Grimmer J, Pöschl Y, Pecher P, Chinchilla D, Scheel D, Lee J,"Defense-Related Calcium Signaling Mutants Uncovered via a Quantitative High-Throughput Screen in Arabidopsis thaliana", Molecular Plant, vol. 5, pp. 1752-9867, Oxford University Press, 2012.

[82] Eggeling R, Bourguignon P-Y, Gohr A, Grosse I, "Gibbs sampling for parsimonious Markov models with latent variables.", Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical  Models (PGM-2012), Granada, Spain, 2012 September.

[81] Bellon V, Cerquides J, Grosse I, "Gaussian Join Tree classifiers with applications to mass spectra  classification.", Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical  Models (PGM-2012), Granada, Spain, 2012 September.

[80] Quint M, Drost HG, Gabel A, Ullrich KK, Bönn M, Grosse I., "A transcriptomic hourglass in plant embryogenesis.", Nature. 2012 Sep 5. doi: 10.   1038/nature11394   .

[79] Mönke G, Seifert M, Keilwagen J, Mohr M, Grosse I, Hähnel U, Junker A, Weisshaar B, Conrad U, Bäumlein H, Altschmied L., "Toward the identification and regulation of the Arabidopsis thaliana ABI3 regulon.", Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jun 22.

[78] Reczko M, Maragkakis M, Alexiou P, Grosse I, Hatzigeorgiou A, “Functional microRNA targets in protein coding  sequences.”, Bioinformatics, vol. 28: 771-776, 2012.

[77] Seifert M, Gohr A, Strickert M, Grosse I, “Parsimonious  higher-order Hidden Markov Models for improved Array-CGH analysis with applications to Arabidopsis thaliana.”, PLoS Computational Biology, vol.  8: e1002286, 2012.


[76] Seifert M, Strickert M, Schliep A, Grosse I, "Exploiting prior knowledge and gene distances in the analysis of tumor expression profiles with extended Hidden Markov Models.", Bioinformatics. ;27(12):1645-52. Epub 2011 Apr 21, Jun.2011.

[75] Keilwagen J, Grau J, Paponov I A, Posch S, Strickert M, Grosse I, "De-novo discovery of differentially abundant transcription factor binding sites including their positional preference.", PLoS Comput Biol.;7(2):e1001070, Feb.2011.


[74] P. Alexiou, T. Vergoulis, M. Gleditzsch, G. Prekas, T. Dalamagas, M. Megraw, I. Grosse, T. Sellis, and A. G. Hatzigeorgiou, "miRGen 2.0: a database of microRNA genomic information and regulation," Nucleic Acids Res., vol. 38, no. Database issue, p. D137-D141, Jan.2010.

[73] C. Delker, Y. Poschl, A. Raschke, K. Ullrich, S. Ettingshausen,  V. Hauptmann, I. Grosse, and M. Quint, "Natural Variation of  Transcriptional Auxin Response Networks in Arabidopsis thaliana," Plant Cell, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 2184-2200, July2010.

[72] J. Grau, D. Arend, I. Grosse, A. G. Hatzigeorgiou, J.  Keilwagen, M. Maragkakis, C. Weinholdt, and S. Posch, "Predicting  {miRNA} targets utilizing an extended profile {HMM}," in Lecture Notes in Informatics Koellen Druck und Verlag GmbH, 2010.

[71] J. Keilwagen, J. Grau, S. Posch, and I. Grosse, "Apples and oranges: avoiding different priors in {B}ayesian {DNA} sequence analysis," BMC Bioinformatics, vol. in press 2010.

[70] J. Keilwagen, J. Grau, S. Posch, M. Strickert, and I. Grosse, "Unifying generative and discriminative learning principles," BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 98, Feb.2010.

[69] B. Podobnik, D. Wang, D. Horvatic, I. Grosse, and H. E. Stanley, "Time-lag cross-correlations in collective phenomena,", 90 ed 2010, p. 68001.

[68] S. Posch, J. Grau, A. Gohr, J. Keilwagen, and I. Grosse, "Probabilistic Approaches to Transcription Factor Binding Site Prediction," in The Computational Biology of Transcription Factor Binding . Istvan Ladunga, Ed. Berlin: Springer, in Press, 2010.


[67] H. Mehlhorn and I. Grosse, “Centroid extensions of de novo motif detection algorithms”, CIB’2009, 2009.

[66] M. Seifert, A. Banaei, J. Keilwagen, M. F. Mette, A. Houben, F. Roudier, V. Colot, I. Grosse and M. Strickert, “Array-based genome comparison of Arabidopsis ecotypes using Hidden Markov Models“, BIOSIGNALS 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Proceeding, 2009.

[65] Bethke G, Unthan T, Uhrig J F, Pöschl Y, Gust A A, Scheel D, Lee J, "Flg22 regulates the release of an ethylene response factor substrate from MAP kinase 6 in Arabidopsis thaliana via ethylene signaling.", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 106, no. 19, pp. 8067-8072, 2009

[64] J. Keilwagen, J. Baumbach, T. A. Kohl, and I. Grosse, "MotifAdjuster: a tool for computational reassessment of transcription factor binding site annotations," Genome Biol, vol. 10, no. 5, p. R46, 2009.

[63]  B. Podobnik, I. Grosse, D. Horvatic, S. Ilic, P. C. Ivanov, and H. E. Stanley, "Quantifying cross-correlations using local and global detrending approaches," European Physical Journal B, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 243-250, Sept.2009.

[62] M. Seifert, J. Keilwagen, M. Strickert, and I. Grosse, "Utilizing gene pair orientations for HMM-based analysis of promoter array ChIP-chip data," Bioinformatics, vol. 25, no. 16, pp. 2118-2125, Aug.2009.

[61] T. Thiel, A. Graner, R. Waugh, I. Grosse, T.  J. Close, and N. Stein, "Evidence and evolutionary analysis of ancient  whole-genome duplication in barley predating the divergence from  rice," BMC Evol. Biol, vol. 9, p. 209, 2009.


[60] I. Ben-Gal, A. Shani, A. Gohr, J. Grau, S. Arviv, A. Shmilovici, S. Posch and I. Grosse, “Recognition of transcription factor binding sites with Variable-order Bayesian networks”, Plant genomics and bioinformatics, 155-183, 2008.

[59]   B. Podobnik, D. Horvatic, F. Pammolli, F. Wang, H. E. Stanley, and I. Grosse, 2008, Size-dependent standard deviation for growth rates: empirical results and theoretical modeling: Phys.Rev.E, v. 77, no. 5 Pt 2, p. 056102.

[58]   A. Schallau, I. Kakhovskaya, A. Tewes, A. Czihal, J. Tiedemann, M. Mohr, I. Grosse, Renate Manteuffel, and Helmut Bäumlein. “Phylogenetic footprints in fernspore- and seed-specific gene promoters”. In: The Plant Journal 53.3 (2008). Pp. 414–424. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03354.x   .

[57]   M. Seifert, J Keilwagen, M Strickert, I Grosse. Utilizing promoter pair orientations for HMM-based analysis of ChIP-chip data. 116-127. 2008. Dresden. Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics 2008.


[56]   J. Grau, J. Keilwagen, I. Grosse, and S. Posch. “On the relevance of model orders to discriminative learning of Markov models”. In: LWA ’07: Lernen - Wissen - Adaption, Workshop Proceedings. Ed. by Alexander Hinneburg. Halle, Germany: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 2007. Pp. 61–66. ISBN: 9783860109076. URL:

[55]   J. Grau, J. Keilwagen, A. Kel, I. Grosse, and S. Posch. “Supervised posteriors for DNA-motif classification”. In: GCB ’07: German Conference on Bioinformatics. Ed. by Claudia Falter, Alexander Schliep, Joachim Selbig, Martin Vingron, and Dirk Walther. Potsdam, Germany 2007. Pp. 123–134. URL:   .

[54]   J. Keilwagen, J. Grau, S. Posch, and I. Grosse. “Recognition of splice sites using maximum conditional likelihood”. In: LWA ’07: Lernen - Wissen - Adaption, Workshop Proceedings. Ed. by Alexander Hinneburg. Halle, Germany: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 2007. Pp. 67–72. ISBN: 9783860109076. URL:

[53]   C. Kuenne, I. Grosse, I. Matthies, U. Scholz, T. Sretenovic-Rajicic, N. Stein, A. Stephanik, B. Steuernagel, and S. Weise. “Using Data Warehouse Technology in Crop Plant Bioinformatics”. In: Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 4.1 (2007). P. 88. DOI: 10.2390/biecoll-jib-2007-88   .

[52]   B. Podobnik, J. Shao, N. V. Dokholyan, V. Zlatic, H. E. Stanley, and I. Grosse. “Similarity and dissimilarity in correlations of genomic DNA”. In: Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics 373 (2007). Pp. 497–502. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2006.05.041   .

[51]   S. Posch, J. Grau, A. Gohr, I. Ben-Gal, A. E. Kel, and I. Grosse. “Recognition Of Cis-Regulatory Elements With VOMBAT”. In: Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB) 5.2b (2007). Pp. 561–577. DOI: 10.1142/S0219720007002886.

[49]   N. Stein, M. Prasad, U. Scholz, T. Thiel, H. Zhang, M. Wolf, R. Kota, R. K. Varshney, D. Perovic, I. Grosse, and A. Graner.“A 1,000-loci transcript map of the barley genome: new anchoring points for integrative grass genomics”. In: TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114.5 (2007).Pp. 823–839.DOI:10.1007/S0012200604802.   

[48]   S. Weise, S. Harrer, I. Grosse, H. Knüpffer, and E. Willner. “The European Poa Database (EPDB)”. In: FAO-Bioversity Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 150 (2007). Pp. 64–70.


[47]   T. Funke, S. Weise, H. Knüpffer, and I. Grosse. “Ein neues Gesicht für die Europäische Gerstendatenbank (EBDB)”. In: Ausgewählte Vorträge aus GPZ-Arbeitsgemeinschaften. Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. Vol. 70. Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung. Göttingen, Germany 2006. Pp. 79–80. URL:   .

[46]   J. Grau, I. Ben-Gal, A. Gohr, A. Kel, O. Kel-Margoulis, S. Posch, I. Grosse. Prediction of eukaryotic transcription factor binding sites using Variable Order Markov models. 5-6. 2006. GCB 2006, Short paper.

[45]   J. Grau, I. Ben-Gal, S. Posch, and I. Grosse. “VOMBAT: prediction of transcription factor binding sites using variable order Bayesian trees”. In: Nucleic Acids Research 34.suppl 2 (2006). W529–533. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkl212   .

[44]   I. Grosse. “Computational Identification of Transcription Factor Binding Sites with Variable Order Bayesian Networks”. In: BGRS ’06: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. Vol. 3. Novosibirsk, Russia 2006. P. 317.

[43]   I. Grosse, T. Funke, C. Künne, S. Neumann, A. Stephanik, T. Thiel, and S. Weise. “Integrative Datenanalyse mit dem Plant Data Warehouse”. In: Ausgewählte Vorträge aus GPZ-Arbeitsgemeinschaften. Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. Vol. 70. Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung. Göttingen, Germany 2006. Pp. 50–53. URL:   .

[42]   S. Mielordt, I. Grosse, and J. Kleffe. “Data Integration in the Life Sciences”. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006. Chap. Data Structures for Genome Annotation, Alternative Splicing, and Validation, pp. 114–123. ISBN: 978-3-540-36593-8. DOI: 10.1007/1179951110.1007/11799511_11.

[41]   B. Podobnik, Do. Fu, T. Jagric, I. Grosse, and H. E. Stanley. Fractionally integrated process for transition economics". In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and ist Applications 362.2 (2006). Pp. 465{470. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2005.09.051.

[40]   A. Stephanik, H. Bachmann, T. Funke, C. Künne, E. Langer, T. Thiel, S. Weise, and I. Grosse. “Das Plant Bioinformatics Portal”. In: Ausgewählte Vorträge aus GPZ-Arbeitsgemeinschaften. Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. Vol. 70. Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung. Göttingen, Germany 2006. Pp. 81–83. URL:   .

[39]   R. K. Varshney, I. Grosse, U. Hähnel, R. Siefken, M. Prasad, N. Stein, P. Langridge, L. Altschmied, and A. Graner. “Genetic mapping and BAC assignment of EST-derived SSR markers shows non-uniform distribution of genes in the barley genome”. In: TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113.2 (2006).Pp. 239–250. DOI:10.1007/s00122-006-0289-z.   

[38]   S. Weise, I. Grosse, C. Klukas, D. Koschützki, U. Scholz, F. Schreiber, and B. H. Junker. “Meta-All: a system for managing metabolic pathway information”. In: BMC Bioinformatics 7 (2006). P. 465. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-7-465.

[37]   S. Weise, H. Knüpffer, J. Vorwald, U. Scholz, and I. Grosse. “Integration von phänotypischen Daten in das Plant Data Warehouse”. In: Ausgewählte Vorträge aus GPZ-Arbeitsgemeinschaften. Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. Vol. 70. Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung. Göttingen, Germany 2006. Pp. 84–86. URL:   .


[36]   I. Ben-Gal, A. Shani, A. Gohr, J. Grau, S. Arviv, A. Shmilovici, S. Posch, and I. Grosse. “Identification of transcription factor binding sites with variable-order Bayesian networks”. In: Bioinformatics 21.11 (2005). Pp. 2657–2666. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bti410.

[35]   A. Graner, T. Thiel, H. Zhang, E. Potokina, M. Prasad, D. Perovic, R. Kota, R. K. Varshney, U. Scholz, I. Grosse, and N. Stein. “Molecular mapping in barley: shifting from the structural to the functional level”. In: Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 41.3 (2005). Pp. 81–88. URL:   .

[34]   C. Künne, M. Lange, T. Funke, H. Miehe, T. Thiel, I. Grosse, and U. Scholz. “CR-EST: a resource for crop ESTs”. In: Nucleic Acids Research 33.suppl 1 (2005). Pp. D619–621. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gki119.

[33]   B. Podobnik, P. C. Ivanov, K. Biljakovic, D. Horvatic, H. E. Stanley, and I. Grosse. “Fractionally integrated process with power-law correlations in variables and magnitudes”. In: Physical Review E 72 (2005). P. 026121. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.026121.

[32]   B. Podobnik, P. C. Ivanov, V. Jazbinsek, Z. Trontelj, H. E. Stanley, and I. Grosse. “Power-law correlated processes with asymmetric distributions”. In: Physical Review E 71 (2005). 025104(R). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.025104.


[31]   Petra Bauer, Thomas Thiel, Marco Klatte, Zsolt Bereczky, Tzvetina Brumbarova, Rudiger Hell, and Ivo Grosse. “Analysis of Sequence, Map Position, and Gene Expression Reveals Conserved Essential Genes for Iron Uptake in Arabidopsis and Tomato”. In: Plant Physiology 136.4 (2004). Pp. 4169–4183. DOI: 10.1104/pp.104.047233.

[30]   Paul L. Krapivsky, Eli Ben-Naim, and Ivo Grosse. “Stable distributions in stochastic fragmentation”. In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37.8 (2004). Pp. 2863–2880. DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/37/8/002.

[29]   Wentian Li and Ivo Grosse. “Comments on ’linguistic features in eukaryotic genomes‘”. In: Complexity 9.4 (2004). Pp. 10–11. DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20022.

[28]   Wentian Li, Fengzhu Sun, and Ivo Grosse. “Extreme Value Distribution Based Gene Selection Criteria for Discriminant Microarray Data Analysis Using Logistic Regression”. In: Journal of Computational Biology 11.2–3 (2004). Pp. 215–226. DOI: 10.1089/1066527041410445.

[27]   Dang D. Long, Ivo Grosse, and Kenneth A. Marx. “Coding and non-coding DNA thermal stability differences in eukaryotes studied by melting simulation, base shuffling and DNA nearest neighbor frequency analysis”. In: Biophysical Chemistry 110.1–2 (2004). Pp. 25–38. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpc.2004.01.001.

[26]   Podobnik, B., P. C. Ivanov, I. Grosse, K. Matia, and H. E. Stanley, 2004, ARCH-GARCH approaches to modeling high-frequency financial data: Physica A, v. 344, no. 1-2, p. 216-220.

[25]   Thomas Thiel, Raja Kota, Ivo Grosse, Nils Stein, and Andreas Graner. “SNP2CAPS: a SNP and INDEL analysis tool for CAPS marker development”. In: Nucleic Acids Research 32.1 (2004). e5. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gnh006.


 [24]   D. Holste, I. Grosse, S. Beirer, P. Schieg, and H. Herzel. “Repeats and correlations in human DNA sequences”. In: Physical Review E 67.6 (2003). P. 061913. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.061913.

[23]   W. Li and I. Grosse. “Gene selection criterion for discriminant microarray data analysis based on extreme value distributions”. In: RECOMB ’03: Proceedings of the seventh annual international conference on Research in computational molecular biology. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2003. Pp. 217–223. ISBN: 1-58113-635-8. DOI:   .

[22]   S. Weise, N. Biermann, S. Flemming, J. Vorwald, T. J. L. van Hintum, H. Knüpffer, and I. Grosse. “Proposal for improvement of PGR data exchange through XML”. In: Proceedings of the EPGRIS final conference. Prague, Czech Republic 2003.


[21]   Ivo Grosse, Pedro Bernaola-Galván, Pedro Carpena, Ramón Román-Roldán, José L. Oliver, and H. Eugene Stanley. “Analysis of symbolic sequences using the Jensen-Shannon divergence”. In: Physical Review E 65.4 (2002). P. 041905. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.041905.

[20]   Wentian Li, Pedro Bernaola-Galván, Fatameh Haghighi, and Ivo Grosse. “Applications of recursive segmentation to the analysis of DNA sequences”. In: Computers and Chemistry 26.5 (2002). Pp. 491–510. DOI: 10.1016/S0097-8485(02)00010-4.

[19]   Boris Podobnik, Ivo Grosse, and H. Eugene Stanley. “Stochastic processes with power-law stability and a crossover in power-law correlations”. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 316.1–4 (2002). Pp. 153–159. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-4371(02)01023-3.


 [18]   R. V. Davuluri, I. Grosse, and M. Q. Zhang. Computational identification of promoters and first exons in the human genome". In: Nature Genetics 29 (2001). Pp. 412-417. DOI: 10.1038/ng780.

[17]   D. Holste, I. Grosse, and H. Herzel. Statistical analysis of the DNA sequence of human chromosome 22". In: Physical Review E 64.4 (2001). P. 041917. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE. 64.041917.


[16]   P. Bernaola-Galvan, I. Grosse, P. Carpena, J. L. Oliver, R. Roman-Roldan, and H. E. Stanley. Finding Borders between Coding and Noncoding DNA Regions by an Entropic Segmentation Method". In: Physical Review Letters 85.6 (2000). Pp. 1342-1345. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.1342.

[15]   I. Grosse, 2000, Applications of Statistical Physics an Information Theory to the Analysis of DNA Sequences, PhD, Boston University

[14]   I. Grosse, S. V. Buldyrev, H. E. Stanley, D. Holste, and H. Herzel. Average mutual information of coding and noncoding DNA". In: PSB '00: Paci_c Symposium on Biocomputing. Hawaii, USA 2000. Pp. 614-623. URL: http://psb.stanford.

[13]   I. Grosse, H. Herzel, S. V. Buldyrev, and H. E. Stanley. Species independence of mutual information in coding and noncoding DNA". In: Physical Review E 61.5 (2000). Pp. 5624-5629. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.61.5624.

[12]   D. Holste, I. Grosse, S. V. Buldyrev, H. E. Stanley, and H. Herzel. Optimization of Coding Potentials Using Positional Dependence of Nucleotide Frequencies". In: Journal of Theoretical Biology 206.4 (2000). Pp. 525-537. DOI: 10.1006/jtbi.2000.2144.

[11]   D. Holste, O. Weiss, I. Grosse, and H. Herzel. Are Noncoding Sequences of Rickettsia prowazekii Remnants of 'Neutralized` Genes?". In: Journal of Molecular Evolution 51.4 (2000). Pp. 353-362. DOI: 10.1007/s002390010097.

[10]   P. L. Krapivsky, I. Grosse, and E. Ben-Naim. Scale invariance and lack of self-averaging in fragmentation". In: Physical Review E 61.2 (2000). R993-R996. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE. 61.R993.

[9]   A. Roberto de Lima, C. F. Moukarzel, I. Grosse, and T. J. P. Penna. Sliding blocks with random friction and absorbing random walks". In: Physical Review E 61.3 (2000). Pp. 2267-2271. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.61.2267.


[8]   D. Holste, I. Grosse, and H. Herzel. "Bayes' estimators of  generalized entropies". In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and  General 31.11 (1998). Pp. 2551-2566. DOI: 10.1088/ 0305-4470/31/11/007.


[7]   H. Herzel, E. N. Trifonov, O. Weiss, and I. Grosse. Interpreting correlations in biosequences". In: Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics 249 (1998). 449-459(11). DOI: 10.1016/S0378-4371(97)00505-0.


[6]   H. Herzel and I. Grosse. Correlations in DNA sequences: The role of protein coding segments". In: Physical Review E 55.1 (1997). Pp. 800-810. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.55.800.

[5]   P. Hoffman, G. Grinstein, K. A. Marx, I. Grosse, and H. E. Stanley. DNA visual and analytic data mining". In: VIS '97: Proceedings of the 8th conference on Visualization. Phoenix, Arizona, United States: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997. Pp. 437-441. ISBN: 1-58113-011-2. DOI: 10.1109/VISUAL.1997.663916.


[4]   D. Beule, and I. Grosse, 1996, Wie zufällig sind  Zufallszahlen? in J Freund ed., Dynamik, Evolution, Strukturen -  Nichtlineare Dynamik und Statistik komplexer Strukturen: Berlin, p. 161-170.

[3]   I. Grosse. Dynamik, Evolution, Strukturen - Nichtlineare Dynamik und Statistik komplexer Strukturen". In: ed. by J. A. Freund. Dr. Köster, Berlin, 1996. Chap. Estimating Entropies from Finite Samples, pp. 181-190.


[2]   I. Grosse. Statistical Analysis of Biosequences". MA thesis. Humboldt University, Berlin, 1995.

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